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3 Things I Can't Live Without

Updated: Oct 10, 2018

Life gets pretty crazy sometimes and we can all feel overwhelmed by all of the perpetual moving components around us. But, in the midst of it all, I can name 3 things that are constant and necessary to living my happiest best life.




Last weekend I had the ultimate trifecta. I attended the #First100 app launch party for an early stage tech company in Boston, called: And holy moly was it amazing. First off, there was a dress code: s u m m e r w h i t e s. I die for a good dress code. Except I hardly ever wear white because of the irrational (or completely rational, let’s be real) fear of getting it dirty with food or spray tan or literally anything!! (Anyone else with me?)

Also, all of my girlfriends were there which was amazing because we're all so busy with our careers that when we are all together in the same city it's truly a great time! Girls Night Out!

So, is building software that allows people to organize and view social content in the way they want rather than being dictated by an algorithm. AWESOME. And, this software can be viewed in the form of a mobile application, an embedded widget on a website, as well as live events such as concerts, conferences and sporting venues. YASSSSS. It's things like this that make me so excited about the millennial generation. We're using what we've got and transforming it into something greater - learn the game, play it better. In this case, is allowing us to surround ourselves with people who inspire us and can push us further in our own lives without missing a beat (or, algorithm)!

The team values community over everything and has built an incredible network of young people in the Boston area aiming to do big things that have a positive impact on the communities around us. LET’S GOOOO! The team believes in the idea that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with and as a result they aim to surround themselves with as many inspiring people who believe anything is possible when you step outside your comfort zone. YAY INSPIRATIONAL FRIENDS!!

And to end the gorgeous weekend in my second home, a stay at the REVERE Hotel Boston. Thank you for hosting me, REVERE. Your rooftop deck/bars are my favorite spot to catch the most amazing sunsets (you all know I love a good sunset) and reflect on my day.

If you guys have never been to Boston or have never been to the REVERE Hotel Boston, I highly recommend checking it out. The views, rooftop bars and probably one of the most comfortable hotel beds I’ve ever stayed in.. (And I love me some good hotel beds) weekend in Boston couldn’t have been any more perfect! See you guys soon ;)

Mix my girlfriends (good company) with the app launch (innovation/inspiration) and a stay at the REVERE Hotel Boston (with the most gorgeous views of the city and sunset) and I was one happy girl.


I think if you can find 3 things in your daily routine or even your weekly routine that make you feel ALIVE, INSPIRED and LOVED all of our "problems" will seem SO much smaller. You'll stop dwelling on the negative or the low-lights of your day instead of thriving in the highlights of your day. What are your 3 Things?

A fun little way my boyfriend and I will end the day is to answer the question, "What was the best part of your day?" It leads into reminiscing on the good parts of your day and most often leaves you smiling and grateful before you go to bed. Try it! Even if it’s with your mom, your sister, your dog. Speak your good times out loud!

Thank you to all of you who helped me get ready before the event by voting on my Instagram! Sleek pony & a berry lip for the win!

UPDATE: I didn't get anything on my white dress ;)

Xo Samantha

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