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My 3-Step Guide to Staying SANE While Relocating Your Life to Another State

Updated: Oct 10, 2018

Babes, it's been a looooonngg week. But I have the BEST NEWS: My super talented and handsome hunny and I decided to take a leap of faith and leave our jobs in our home state of Maine to pursue our PASSIONS and reach our dreams. EEEEK! SO EXCITING.

Next stop: BOSTON, Massachusetts.

Now, we're only hopping two states over.. buuut with less than two weeks to find AND move into a place, I've been feeling ALL the emotions (and tension headaches, ugh.) Luckily, with these three steps I was able to stop my head from spinning and start getting sh*t done.

3-Step Guide to Staying SANE While Relocating Your Life to Another State:


I mean honestly.. did you think I'd start off an anxiety-ridden situation any other way? I find what makes me feel a little more in control is to make a list.

At first, write down on a piece of paper (not your phone, get some real paper and a pen) and literally list everything you have floating around in your head that you're anxious about. Even silly things like "shower" or "eat dinner." Write EVERYTHING that is making you bonkers. For me it was the thoughts of having to change my mailing address, my car registration, find a new doctor, forward my birth control prescription, pack up my closet, get a new gym membership, find a new doggy-daycare, reschedule photo shoots AND say goodbye to all my peoples.

After EVERYTHING is written down, get a clean piece of paper and begin prioritizing.

I like to start with WHAT I CAN DO RIGHT NOW - quick tasks that can be done by phone or email or in the car i.e. schedule work, plan time with friends, cancel current gym membership, etc. and knock out as many of those as you can throughout the day.

Next would be DO THIS WEEK - which could be things you need to do but maybe can't yet i.e. apply to apartments (need to pick one first!), forward your mail (don't have an address yet!), pack up the closet (still need like, everything!), etc.

After that is RANDOM THINGS - which are things you can do now, here and there i.e. go food shopping for enough nights of living in the old place, buy that dry shampoo you knew you needed, donate that box of shoes, help the hunny and doggy pack up.

And last would be THE TOUGH STUFF - you know, the stuff you have to do but you reeeaalllly don't want to i.e. order a UHaul, say goodbye to my mom.

There. *lets out deep breath* Everything is written down, has a spot and an order. Goodness, I'm such a nerd for lists and organization.

If you need to add more, you can just write it in the category that you see fits best! I love this technique because if I have 10 minutes between a meeting and work, I'll look at my list and be like "OKAY, I can call so-and-so and schedule blah blah blah AND still have time for a coffee. Sweet." I've adapted this technique and use it during Fashion Week, busy work months or when I want to get the most use of my time. Never a moment wasted!

As you go through your list, physically cross it off. (Nothing feels better than getting sh*t done in my opinion.)


In the middle of your current job, thinking about your future one, attempting to pack and remember to eat are all a part of the ongoing struggle of moving. I've learned to not let anyone, even yourself get in the way of loving yourself. Thus, some self-love is vital. With my tension headaches and sore body from packing, my current obsession is getting a little pampering at Health Resonates right in downtown Portland, ME!

Speaking of Health Resonates, I just have to take a moment and shout-out my good friend, Tara. She's a health and wellness connoisseur, business owner and licensed Massage Therapist and Aesthetician since 2011. How lucky am I to have one of the most amazing, creative and intelligent women in my circle of friends?! Well, she and the women of Health Resonates have seriously kept me in-line and centered during this hectic time in my life. Facials, foot soaks and my favorite: full body massages.

Every time I go to HR, I'm welcomed by the many beautiful faces, offered tea and asked how my day is going with the utmost sincerity. It's basically like going to your girlfriend's house for a spa day - obsessed. The space is gorgeous, bright (looove natural light) and so chic. I honestly wish we could have sleepovers there.

Every time I leave, I feel rejuvenated, centered and ready to seize the rest of my day. You can get a massage anywhere, you can get tea anywhere, but ladies.. Health Resonates' environment, the people.. the entire vibe is one that can just fill you up with so much light and inspiration you really can't get anywhere else. The connections I've made with the wellness providers and the great times I've shared with my girlies at Health Resonates are ones I cherish. There’s honestly nothing better than being able to walk into an environment that immediately sets the tone, calms you and enables you to have a clear mind. Girl power, man. It’s pretty amazing. (BRB crying.. gonna miss them so much..)

Oh my goodness, laaadiees, guess what? My go-to service is on special! Relax and rejuvenate with 90 minutes of wellness - 60 minute therapeutic massage followed by a relaxing foot soak with grounding salts and rejuvenating essential oils for only $110! ($20 savings!!) Book your rejuvenation with the ladies at Health Resonates click here. You deserve some YOU time babe. I've already booked mine for right before I leave!

Oh, and a little bonus for you or for if you can’t make it in to Health Resonates: you can still join me and many other wellness babes in a fresh start! Don’t you feel like sometimes you just need to reset EVERYTHING?! Specifically, balanced hormones, radiant skin, and all-day energy? ‘Cause, same. And as most of you agreed, for some reason the Fall seems like the perfect time to start over. Fashion, routines, health, moving haha.. everything. So, I’m super excited. New adventures and fresh starts all around!

The best part: since I’m always on the go and now I'm moving, I do most of my work and school from my laptop online. Fresh Start™ is a comprehensive six-week online program designed to revive your health on a cellular level (think "factory reset!") and give you the tools, strategies, and support you need to experience your fullest expression of health. Join me NOW! Goodness I'm so excited to reset everything and BEGIN LIVING THE LIFE I KEEP DREAMING OF.


It's happening.. one step at a time. Soak every moment in while you're still there. Look at your hunny in the eyes and tell him how proud you are of one another. You did it. You're doing it. You're following your dreams and making the moves. In between the hectic and stressful times, remember the small moments and be grateful for the big ones. When you're out to drinks saying goodbye to your friends, enjoy their presence, turn off your phone for a few hours. Take in the smells of the city and the views of your old favorite spot. Most of all, don't forget.. it's not totally goodbye, it's see ya soon! You're on your way. Pat yourself on the back. #YouveGotThis

Oh babes, I am soooooo ready to make this move. We are so ready. It's time. This is honestly such an exciting, nerve-wracking and truly overwhelming adventure, but.. we are more than ready to embark on it thanks to our family, friends and some serious prep. Let’s do this thing!

Do you have a safe space you go to recharge? Is your support system made up of more family, friends or amazing people in your ‘self love’ circle? Also, what are your moving tips!?


Xx Samantha

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