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Updated: Oct 10, 2018

Hello there and welcome back my lovers of light - today’s theme is all about m i n d s e t. Our mind is the most important tool we have.

I can talk about mindset all day but let me just say, the day that I decided to start thinking more positively was the day I was f r e e d.

One day, I woke up and said to myself, “You know what? Today is the day you stop looking at the world as if the glass is half empty. Your glass is half f*cking full and it’s all in your hands to fill that glass even more.” This was one morning during the first few weeks of my freshman year of college. I didn’t want to go to school. It’s not where I saw myself. It just didn’t feel right. But for those few weeks, I was sad. I was sad and mad and heartbroken and felt so dark and lost inside that that’s when I woke up. I said, “No more.” And I began to to think positive.

Keep reading to find out more about the importance of your MINDSET and how I use the power of M A N I F E S T A T I O N to achieve my goals.

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I was in this place where I didn’t want to be, but my high school advisors told me to be there. Parents expected me to be there. The so called, “American Dream” reasoned with me to be there. So, I was there. But I wanted out, I needed to leave to become h a p p y.

And, you can feel in your heart when you’re not happy. You almost feel like you’re going through the motions or your intent isn’t what it should be because you feel like you’re doing it for other people. You’re doing what you think you’re supposed to be doing. Your actions aren’t coming from your heart and therefore, they’re draining.

I would google, “How to be more positive” and “How can I change my life through good thoughts?” Because honestly, that’s all I had at the moment. I was a poor college student, working at an ice cream shop and living at my parents house. I didn’t have much to offer to the world. Or at least that’s what I thought.

This is where I discovered the law of attraction and manifesting. Turns out the ability to manifest something into your life is like a muscle in your body. If you train it, you can use that muscle to push you further to your goals. I remember staying up late on my phone reading about manifesting and visualizing the life you want and keeping that positive mindset. I became slightly obsessed, not gonna lie. I wanted to know more. I needed to know all the things.

I became super interested in pageants (Miss Maine USA/Miss Maine Teen USA) the summer before my second year of college. I saw friends/colleagues on Facebook post that they made Top 5 and even win! The opportunities that lied within winning this pageant were a great enough reason for me to sign up! If they could do it, I could totally do it. And win. Even though I had braces and had only ever really worn heels at my high school graduation - and even those were like 2” tall - I got a trainer and a coach, I learned how to apply stage make-up and curl my hair.. I took this opportunity seriously. I thought, “this could be my chance to get out.. to make a name for myself and become the person I want to be.” I thought about it, talked about it, dreamt about it every day. I felt in my heart this was the right move for me.

(PS - I’m a Capricorn, y’all. We cappy’s like to do things our own way. And we don’t stop until we get there.)

But anyways, I read online you should visualize where you want to be and try to picture every.single.detail. And do it over and over again.

So for the pageant, I pictured the lights.. how they’d be so bright and the crowd would have a purpley glow, the stage.. how I would be standing in the middle of the catwalk, back to the judges, facing the other girl, and even what I was going to do with my face when I won (because that’s a thing - the “crowning moment” is a picture you’ll forever have plastered on social media and in the local newspaper. I had to know what I was going to look like) I literally pictured in my head, “Okay, when you win, you’re covering your mouth with your hand and you’re turning to the crowd to find your family.” (I don’t know why I decided that’s what I’ll do guys, but I did, okay???!?)

Come pageant night, pretty sure I blacked out the whole night because I hardly remember a thing except: the lights, the stage and where I stood. And when they called my name as “Miss Maine USA”.. what did I do? I FRICKEN COVERED MY MOUTH WITH MY HAND AND TURNED TO THE CROWD TO FIND MY FAMILY. WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT, GUYS! It wasn’t until I looked back at the videos and realized, “holy moly. I visualized that! I did it!” And from that moment forward, I knew this manifesting thing was real and that we have the power to change our lives, our paths and be h a p p y. I 200% believe in putting positive energy into your dreams and aspirations. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Some of you might think I'm crazy, or this or that.. but hey, it’s worked for me ever since ;) Don't knock it 'til ya try it.

Oh, and fun facts: I still had braces when I won AND my heels were 6" tall. ;) The Universe works in incredible ways. (And a good walking coach will help, too! ;) )

Ugh, *reflects on life* Humans are pretty badass if you ask me.

Make today the BEST day ever,

Xo Samantha


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